Martha Ashwell worked as a childcare officer, administrator and support tutor in university education and a counselor.  She is also a member of the long-established writer's group, Manchester Irish Writers.


Her memoir, Celia's Secret: A Journey towards Reconciliation, helped her to analyze and evaluate her life experiences to work through a process of reconciliation.  Broken relationships.


Her story shares the impact family secrets can have on your life.


Are you struggling with the dynamics of a family secret or with broken relationships?


Never give up hope of reconciliation. 


If you are determined to resolve a broken relationship, it is possible to move through a process of reconciliation and have the satisfaction of knowing that you have done everything that is humanly possible to heal the relationship. The process involves: reflecting, analyzing, understanding and forgiving. For Martha, as a Christian, it also involves God’s loving hand in the process. We can have a profound love for one another despite great pain and loss.


Listen to her stimulating interview about a subject many may not want to discuss but it is necessary 

Martha Ashwell worked as a childcare officer, administrator and support tutor in university education and a counselor.  She is also a member of the long-established writer's group, Manchester Irish Writers.


Her memoir, Celia's Secret: A Journey towards Reconciliation, helped her to analyze and evaluate her life experiences to work through a process of reconciliation.  Broken relationships.


Her story shares the impact family secrets can have on your life.


Are you struggling with the dynamics of a family secret or with broken relationships?


Never give up hope of reconciliation. 


If you are determined to resolve a broken relationship, it is possible to move through a process of reconciliation and have the satisfaction of knowing that you have done everything that is humanly possible to heal the relationship. The process involves: reflecting, analyzing, understanding and forgiving. For Martha, as a Christian, it also involves God’s loving hand in the process. We can have a profound love for one another despite great pain and loss.


Listen to her stimulating interview about a subject many may not want to discuss but it is necessary