Erica Fye has lived in Northern Uganda for the past eight years.  She has endured threats and severe illness but continues to work as a missionary in remote villages.  


Her first book For the Joy Set Before Us: Insights into the Missionary Journey shares her inspiring story.


Erica has a heart for the people that much of the world has rejected or forgotten.  She went to a war-torn country to educate people in remote villages.  With a heart of gold, she endured hardship, loneliness, and life-threatening disease.



Erica Fye has lived in Northern Uganda for the past eight years.  She has endured threats and severe illness but continues to work as a missionary in remote villages.  


Her first book For the Joy Set Before Us: Insights into the Missionary Journey shares her inspiring story.


Erica has a heart for the people that much of the world has rejected or forgotten.  She went to a war-torn country to educate people in remote villages.  With a heart of gold, she endured hardship, loneliness, and life-threatening disease.