Ben Amos' story will motivate you to break free from negative thinking, depression, and anxiety. When Ben was two years old, he was run over by a drunk driver.  Among many injuries, he suffered a popped lung, broken bones, ruptured spleen and multiple surgeries.

This is the second time I have interviewed Ben Amos.  The first interview, you can also listen to below, was Ben's story from his memoir How To Break Free From Depression, Fear and Anxiety in 30 days - Using Ancient Secrets.   

  After Ben's accident, he suffered from seizures, brain damage and bullying by kids for fun.  Depression and suicidal attempts were part of Ben's life until he was able to break free and learn to reprogram his brain.   Ben is now a successful businessman who is involved in the arts; dance, music and theater.  He has also served in various ministerial capacities.     In his second interview, Ben shares how "the mind was designed to be programmed - every day, all day. The problem is that few of us realize it. Bob Proctor says habits are not broken; they are replaced. Traditional thinking has been that we break a habit by not doing it over a certain period of time, normally 21 to 30 days, which is the same amount of time it takes to develop a habit. That is only half the truth. If a habit is not to replace with a higher habit the likelihood of falling back into that destructive or non-productive behavior is almost guaranteed. To truly overcome a habit we must invoke what’s known as the Law of Displacement."