CeeCee James has written a series of memoirs that you will never be able to forget.  Absolutely. Guaranteed.

In her interview, I was at a loss for words. Having heard many stories of abuse, I never heard one as intense as CeeCee's. She is an incredibly gentle, warm woman who survived horrendous pain, neglect and hatred by her mother.

Listening to her story, you will be drawn to tears and anger - as you hear CeeCee share how the only touch she had ever known as a child was one of pain.

At TWO WEEKS old, her father burned CeeCee's face/body with an iron.  Her mother refused to feed or change her diaper because she did not want to be manipulated by a baby's cries. She wanted to teach her NOT to cry.  This is only the beginning of a lifetime of trauma.


She never remembers a time when she was not hungry....or cold.....or alone.....or hated.


Yet, all CeeCee ever wanted was.... love. Even as a toddler she worked hard to please her mother, hoping for one gentle touch or one kind word.  She never got one! EVER!


CeeCee holds no animosity.  No bitterness. No unforgiveness.  No blame.  Instead, she understands the true necessity to forgive and move forward.  Her humility is unique, feeling that many others could have suffered more and is not looking for sympathy. 


She only wants people to understand how to let go of the past, and hang onto hope -- the only thread to survival.