Lisa Davis Budzinski worked as a Paralegal Specialist in the Florida State Attorney's office where she had received prestigious awards for her service and work ethics including Champion of Justice Award.  


Smack in the middle of a busy lifestyle, Lisa had a stroke causing Central Pain Syndrome, thyroid cancer and Grave's Disease.  Her life was changed FOREVER!


During the process of learning to deal with these life changes, a book was born.  In her memoir, At the End of the Day, Lisa shares how these experiences can give you strength and courage to face life.


There is no cure for Central Pain Syndrome.  She is VP of the Central Pain Syndrome Foundation and desires to bring awareness of this syndrome that is affecting over three million people in the U S alone.  For more information, you can contact   [email protected]


Lisa's story is riveting as none of us has a guarantee what tomorrow may bring.  Her life stopped overnight.  She shares her coping mechanisms and tips in her interview.