Stephanie Collins, an award-winning author of With Angels Wings, has degrees in psychology and nursing. But, in the blink of an eye, she had to leave her career to care for her FOUR special needs children -- as a single mom.  After 23 years, she is still changing her child's diapers - but her attitude is beautiful - a true mother's love.

Her story is one of strength and courage.  If you know of anyone who is the parent of a special needs child, this is a 'MUST LISTEN to' broadcast.  

Stephanie does not see herself as a victim but someone who became strong in the face of adversity.  Through sheer perseverance and tenacity, she proved anyone can be an overcomer.


In Stephanie's words "If you are feeling overwhelmed and ready to give up -- I did too. These feelings aren't indicative of a weak constitution or failure -- they are symptoms of humanity.  People BECOME stronger every minute they persevere.  Focus on you NEXT breath -- you WILL get there.

I’d like to say it was love and faith that helped me to overcome my darkest days…but maybe it was the turbulent times that helped to teach me the ever-important lessons of love and faith."


Her INCREDIBLE story of strength, courage, and tenacity is here.  A MUST LISTEN for anyone who knows or had a special needs child.