Joseph Obeto Lombaye is a motivational and inspirational speaker.  He has survived the Liberian Civil War,  was falsely imprisoned under horrific conditions, battled the elements in the jungles of Africa warding off wild animals and starvation to find a better life.  These are only a few of the feats he conquered.  


As a result, his desire was to help the helpless.  He formed a nonprofit organization called Give Them Hope.


He is an inspiration to everyone no matter who they are or where they live.   

"There is too much waiting for you -- GO GET IT"
"You are here for a purpose - not by accident"
"Grab what should be yours -- if you refuse to fight someone else will take your space" 

You won't want to miss one minute of this interview --  Joseph 'grabbed' my heart-- he will motivate you in a unique way.