Heidi McLaughlin has been widowed twice and is no stranger to suffering but......she found joy in the middle of terrible loss. Her passion for life is contagious. Her story is one you will remember and it will show you how to live a transformed life -- no matter what you have endured.

Heidi McLaughlin believes that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman who knows she is loved. Heidi inspires audiences to grasp their magnificence and step up to the plate to embrace their full potential.

Heidi speaks across North America and overseas, including Poland, Romania, and Colombia. She has been teaching, speaking, writing, and mentoring women for 29 years. She is an award-winning author and has written several books, study guides, and hundreds of articles. Her newest award-winning book, FRESH JOY: Joy in the Midst of Loss, Hardships and Suffering is helping hundreds in North America and beyond. 

Two weeks before Christmas in 1994, her husband Dick went out to a local high school gym to play basketball with his favorite team. That night while playing he died from heart failure.

For months Heidi felt as though she was floating in dark, murky water gasping for air and trying to stay afloat. But it was also at this point in her life when she began to learn how to hang on to God with every breath. 

Heidi was blissfully married to her second husband, Jack, who had lost his wife to cancer.

On November 15th, 2016, Jack went into the kitchen for a cup of coffee, he dropped to the floor and died of a heart attack. Jack was the love of Heidi’s life. The valley of the shadow of death was a time of deep grief for Heidi and her family, but our God is a God of hope and healing of broken hearts.

Heidi has experienced much tragedy but has also learned how to recapture her JOY. She would love to show you how you can too. Here is her inspiring interview: