Gretchen Crass, Owner of GST Fitness and Wellness, is a leading expert in the area of fitness, nutrition, & spiritual health. She is a personal trainer, nutritionist and lifestyle transformation coach helping people on their journey to become their "BEST SELF."  Gretchen had a rough childhood suffering molestation and rejection which led to Anorexia.  She is now sharing her story with solid advice on how to know your true self.  "The mind is a powerful thing and we need to use it for the greater good rather than against ourselves."


She is a coach for the Special Olympics as well as a Child Ambassador for World Vision. Gretchen has been featured in fitness magazine publications, such as Flex Magazine, Oxygen Magazine & Muscular Development Magazine. She has been interviewed on Salem Radio’s Mohsin Program numerous times as well as Sioux Country Radio Sports After Dark Program. Gretchen has also been featured on Montgomery County Cable, for her healthy nutritional and cooking advice for children. 


Gretchen's motto is:  "When the mind is ready the body will follow.  Anything is achievable once you believe in yourself."


She asks: "Do you know your true self?  The mind is a powerful thing and we need to use it for the greater good rather than against ourselves."


In her interview she encourages listeners to "Go out on the limb - that's where the fruit is -- you can do it -- faith is the key.  Everything you need is in the treasure chest inside you.  Find it!"


EVERYONE deserves a chance

EVERYONE deserves respect

EVERYONE deserves love


"Anything the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."  Napoleon Hill