After listening to her interview you will say "WOW - I didn't know this was available to protect myself and my family!" will get answers as to WHY the justice system does little to help.

Sabrina Osso came from violence; her father beat her mother on a regular basis. When she moved out she fulfilled her dream of becoming a dancer and created a one-woman show, "Home Sweet Home."  

Sabrina Osso is the Founder and CEO of OSSO SAFE.  She is a TEDx speaker, real estate agent, and consultant on promoting safety and preventing violence in the workplace, schools, and places of residence. 

Osso Safe approaches the issue of violence in homes, schools, workplaces, and properties. Their vision is for the prevention of home violence through the real estate industry. This is an interesting concept you do not want to miss.

In Sabrina's interview, she explains how abuse should NOT be part of anyone's residency, EVER. She also discusses the connection between violence and pornography and why the legal system often makes horrible matters even worse.

She plays different women being abused but it ends with a strong, empowering message. With extensive research in the area of abuse and the alarming statistics, Osso Safe was born.