After being a primary caregiver for her mother for over six years, author Lynn Abate-Johnson understands the typhoon of emotions and responsibilities that come with caring for a loved one. However, she discovered how to blossom through (and after) caregiving rather than let it drown her. 

By using her natural organizational skills and her solid work ethic, she developed systems and processes to help navigate the difficult journey of caregiving, which allowed her to go from “What am I going to do without my mom?” to “I know I can thrive after she’s gone–just as she would want.”

Like most caregivers, Lynn juggled caregiving duties with a full-time career. In her daily life, she’s a business consultant and global community builder. 

Caregivers are worthy of the same love, care, and attention they give their loved ones, which means they need emotional and logistical support to help them thrive. Unfortunately, it can take copious hours of research to find the resources they need, which leaves them feeling drained, frustrated, and overwhelmed.

Lynn Abaté-Johnson understands this firsthand, having been a primary caregiver for her mother for six years. She believes caregivers deserve to be cared for as well, which is why her book Out of Love provides readers with reassurance, comfort, and practical systems and processes to help caregivers provide care easier and discover how to blossom through their journey.

Lynn’s words offer a uniquely personal glimpse into her journey as a daughter of a strong mother, along with her own transformation in the aftermath of being a caregiver.

Lynn’s approach removes the stigma of grief, and her expressive and often vulnerable ways of sharing help to normalize what many families may take for granted or miss in their often overwhelming and new experiences as caregivers. There will be discomfort, shame, guilt, and layers of conditioning to discover in this book with the goal of bringing light to the dark and peace to the soul.