Kathy Collard Miller is an author, counselor and international speaker, Kathy has appeared on many TV programs, travels as a speaker in eight countries and across the United States.  She is a founding member of AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association).

Kathy has published over 50 books but this didn't happen until she was able to pull herself out of a destructive pit as a child abuser.  She abused her toddler both physically and verbally.  The rage she dealt with as a young mom caused her to choke her child and almost kill her.  When she realized what she had done and knew she would be capable of doing it again, she decided to use her husband's service revolver to end her own life.  She shares her story in her new book, No More Anger, Hope for an Out-of-Control Mom.


Kathy's interview is no-holds-barred.  She shares her pain as a child abuser and the difficulty to keep it secret.  Listen to her story as she explains the steps she took to turn her life around.