Each year, over 125,000 Americans die from overdose and suicide combined. And this is NOT even the other causes of death related to substance misuse.

They are our friends, our neighbors, our family members. They go to our churches, eat next to us at our favorite restaurants. They talk to us through our favorite podcasts. And these deaths are completely preventable.

Jay Shifman is a Mental Health and Substance Misuse & Recovery Speaker, Coach, and Advocate, and the host of the Choose Your Struggle podcast. 

Jay has been in recovery for ten years and survived multiple suicide attempts and an overdose. 

If YOU KNOW ANYONE who has a substance misuse problem or is concerned about someone who does.....PLEASE listen to this interview. It will excite you when you realize YOU can do something to help! Jay talks about the struggles and the outdated model of care our communities may or may not offer and shows us how we can help those close to us and our community at large.

"There are massive systems changes that need to happen. But until we can have honest conversations around these topics, these lives will continue to be lost. That’s why I produce the Choose Your Struggle podcast.  

I’ve been given a second chance in a country, and a world, where most people don’t even get their first. That’s why I get up every day and work to help end the stigma and ensure that those who need help get the help they deserve. Because we’re in this together.