Tammy Price is the author of Shifting Into High Gear:  A Guide to Listeing to Your Body  which became a BEST seller within ONE DAY of its release.  Tammy is co-founder of Shifting Into High Gear, a multifaceted company deeply rooted in the belief that we have all that we need within to be whole, healthy and happy people.

Tammy is the co-creator of the program Heels to Healer (H2H) A Journey to Wholeness, The Practical Solutions Guide for Getting Back Into Balance. 


Tammy is a cancer survivor, testament and advocate to the benefits of cultivating a deep "inner adventure' practice.  She is living and loving life by the motto


You Are All That You Need


Tammy's story will motivate you to shift into HIGH GEAR


Are you afraid you'll wake up at the end of your life feeling unfulfilled or that your health will fail you before you find your passion? Or maybe you are feeling bored and are struggling with getting enough rest, sleep and time for yourself?

Whatever the case, you may be feeling like you want more out of life, desperate for change and craving the ability to feel amazing, heal old wounds and become more empowered than ever when it comes to steering your health and energy for the best. 

Sounds like you're ready to put yourself in the driver's seat when it comes to transforming your health - mind, body and soul. You're ready to shift things into high gear! 


Tammy Price is the author of Shifting Into High Gear:  A Guide to Listeing to Your Body  which became a BEST seller within ONE DAY of its release.  Tammy is co-founder of Shifting Into High Gear, a multifaceted company deeply rooted in the belief that we have all that we need within to be whole, healthy and happy people.

Tammy is the co-creator of the program Heels to Healer (H2H) A Journey to Wholeness, The Practical Solutions Guide for Getting Back Into Balance. 


Tammy is a cancer survivor, testament and advocate to the benefits of cultivating a deep "inner adventure' practice.  She is living and loving life by the motto


You Are All That You Need


Tammy's story will motivate you to shift into HIGH GEAR


Are you afraid you'll wake up at the end of your life feeling unfulfilled or that your health will fail you before you find your passion? Or maybe you are feeling bored and are struggling with getting enough rest, sleep and time for yourself? Whatever the case, you may be feeling like you want more out of life, desperate for change and craving the ability to feel amazing, heal old wounds and become more empowered than ever when it comes to steering your health and energy for the best. 

Sounds like you're ready to put yourself in the driver's seat when it comes to transforming your health - mind, body and soul. You're ready to shift things into high gear!