Becki Reiser is an author of Through My Tears - Awash in Forgiveness.  Becki has lived through the worst nightmare a parent could ever have -- her daughter was murdered.  But that is not the whole story - what happened after the murder is nothing short of a miracle.

The book opens with the night of the murder and the dreaded knock at the Reisers’ door. One of the author's young sons went to the door, saw the police officer, and, too shocked to do much else, went to wake his parents. From that moment on, nothing would ever be the same for the author and her family. In fact, nothing would ever be the same for the officers, doctors, friends, family, and the Reisers’ hometown.

What follows is a detailed account from eyewitnesses, officers, and the author of what it was like to discover that a missing daughter was actually a murdered daughter. The remarkable aspect of Through My Tears is the intrepid bravery of Becki Reiser and the instant and assured assertion that the murderer was forgiven. The forgiveness soothed ragged hearts and offered solace and strength.