After being Dream Crushed by Corporate America, Debra Krusz listened to her inner voice which said “Leave this place” and she started writing. She is now a published author, blogger, coach, and consultant.

Following the wrong dreams got her to low depressed areas in her life. Then she found the solution.



Debra is a survivor of crushed dreams and an expert in dream rescue. If your dream is a long-buried seed or a squashed bud, Debra can help you replant it, nurture it, and bring it to full bloom.

Her program is ideal for employers who want to make an investment in their employees by making them the most successful version of themselves. Your employee morale will rise, productivity will increase, and turnover will decrease as a result of this dream pollination. 

Your dreams are uniquely made for you for a reason

This novel is told through the perspective of a young man named Maximo, who was a dream in his mother Maria's eyes. She did all that she could for the love of Maximo before he was even born. She always did what was necessary to provide the best life for her son. Maximo had his own vision. 

Maximo's journey of love turns to hurt, abuse, and false accusations. Maximo finds the strength in his heart to conquer his obstacles. His vulnerability and perseverance run through deep avenues that we all can relate to at some point in our lives.

Soul Meets Body: Six Degrees of You is a touching and unforgettable novel that reminds us to never give up on love. There is a recipe for writing about love. There is a dream in someone's heart. There is a tragedy, and sometimes separation. There is a determination to make it work. This book shares moments that touch the reader's heart and moments that bring up anger and frustration.

We are always going through a season. If you keep love in your heart, you will always find what you need. Maximo never gave up on the woman in his heart.