On This First Day Of Oturaanza We Must Pay Respects To Our Lady of The Court ATANIH


you can shit but shidding and farding humour is not ALLOWED we dont LIKE it
Shidding is how you expel sin from your body????
Narto was farto- DO NOT
smiling serenely It was a complete failure!
One is born respecting women and you must work hard all of your life to avoid losing your respecting women juice BUT you can regain it once you exorcise the evil influences from your life
We are all born clothed (in the love or oturan, in women respecting juice)
This is praxis 
The nose is the window to the soul if you look up the nose you see the soul and all is laid bare
Atanih is ETERNAL we worship her strength. Hinata is at one with her godhood

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