What comes to your mind when you hear the word "meditation"? Is it relaxation or rather an introspection and contemplation? Or maybe it is focus and concentration, spiritual practice, or anything else we just heard someone says is "good for you"?

It turns out that the term "meditation" might be simply an umbrella encompassing various techniques to self-regulate our mind and nervous system. Moreover, different types of meditation affect the processes within the brain in different ways. This means that the approach "One size fits all!" is not applicable when selecting a meditative practice. In fact, you want to choose a specific meditation type that suits your individual goals, needs, and demands of your nervous system. So, what meditation is right for you?

Meet and greet Dr. Jeff Tarrant - a clinical psychologist, neurofeedback specialist, experienced meditation practitioner, and founder of the NeuroMeditation Institute! Dr. Tarrant will help you clarify what meditation is, explain how it affects your brain, and guide you in choosing the meditation that supports you!

Also, you will learn some simple steps to get into the field of meditation and learn how to self-regulate!

Last but not least, you will find out how your passion and interest in life can drive your career toward success in neuroscience and neurotechnologies!

Stay tuned for the second part of the show with Dr. Tarrant!


During this episode, you will learn about the following:

[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you in today’s episode

[01:40] Meet Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN from the NeuroMeditation Institute, Eugene, Oregon, USA

[04:46] How Jeff became aware of the need for him to contribute to helping other people and to do the things he is doing right now

[09:06] What ignited Jeff's interest in meditation, and how he got into the meditation space

[12:29] How Jeff brought Neurofeedback and meditation together and built the concept of NeuroMeditation.

[16:55] Different types of meditation and the brain changes that are associated with them

[28:13] Jeff’s recommendation on how to start practicing meditation in simple, engaging, and effective ways  

[36:35] Ending the show and call to action.

Tune In For Part 2!

Notable Quotes Neurofeedback was created for meditation to allow us to get to a deeper state of consciousness. There are many ways to meditate, and different ways of meditation influence your brain differently. Attention and intention are the keys to different types of meditation; when you change how you are directing your attention and intention, it changes how the brain is engaged. Meditation (focus) and meditation (open monitoring) tend to go together, but they are different. The most common theme that goes through most types of meditation and mindfulness is that you’re not supposed to be thinking about yourself. Meditation is about your state of consciousness, not about how you’re sitting or what you’re doing, and because we’re all different, the way someone meditates may not fit for you. Instead of trusting what somebody else says and thinking that the answer, listen to yourself, try different things, and see how it feels. If it helps you get into the right state of consciousness, keep it; if it doesn’t, throw it out. We all start from somewhere; pick something, try it, reflect on it, keep your expectations low, and develop it over time. Consistency is more important than trying to squeeze in more time.   About the Podcast Guest Dr. Jeff Tarrant is a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback. He directs the NeuroMeditation Institute. Jeff authored the book "Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain." You can learn more about Dr. Tarrant's work by using the following links:   website: www.neuromeditationinstitute.com book: Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain Youtube: NeuroMeditation Institute Facebook: NeuroMeditation  

About the Podcast and Its Host

The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches and its founder - Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K) - a neuroscience educator, neuroscience research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies: https://www.neuroapproaches.org/

You will benefit from neuroscience-based coaching if you want to...

Get your projects DONE instead of procrastinating and feeling stuck. STOP feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed when managing your time and responsibilities. ACHIEVE your goals and BUILD a successful career instead of failing.

Get in touch with Dr. K. by sending an email: [email protected]

Schedule a free consultation session with Dr. K. by following this link: https://neuroapproaches.as.me/

What comes to your mind when you hear the word "meditation"? Is it relaxation or rather an introspection and contemplation? Or maybe it is focus and concentration, spiritual practice, or anything else we just heard someone says is "good for you"?

It turns out that the term "meditation" might be simply an umbrella encompassing various techniques to self-regulate our mind and nervous system. Moreover, different types of meditation affect the processes within the brain in different ways. This means that the approach "One size fits all!" is not applicable when selecting a meditative practice. In fact, you want to choose a specific meditation type that suits your individual goals, needs, and demands of your nervous system. So, what meditation is right for you?

Meet and greet Dr. Jeff Tarrant - a clinical psychologist, neurofeedback specialist, experienced meditation practitioner, and founder of the NeuroMeditation Institute! Dr. Tarrant will help you clarify what meditation is, explain how it affects your brain, and guide you in choosing the meditation that supports you!

Also, you will learn some simple steps to get into the field of meditation and learn how to self-regulate!

Last but not least, you will find out how your passion and interest in life can drive your career toward success in neuroscience and neurotechnologies!

Stay tuned for the second part of the show with Dr. Tarrant!


During this episode, you will learn about the following:

[00:00] Episode intro and what’s in for you in today’s episode

[01:40] Meet Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN from the NeuroMeditation Institute, Eugene, Oregon, USA

[04:46] How Jeff became aware of the need for him to contribute to helping other people and to do the things he is doing right now

[09:06] What ignited Jeff's interest in meditation, and how he got into the meditation space

[12:29] How Jeff brought Neurofeedback and meditation together and built the concept of NeuroMeditation.

[16:55] Different types of meditation and the brain changes that are associated with them

[28:13] Jeff’s recommendation on how to start practicing meditation in simple, engaging, and effective ways  

[36:35] Ending the show and call to action.

Tune In For Part 2!

Notable Quotes Neurofeedback was created for meditation to allow us to get to a deeper state of consciousness. There are many ways to meditate, and different ways of meditation influence your brain differently. Attention and intention are the keys to different types of meditation; when you change how you are directing your attention and intention, it changes how the brain is engaged. Meditation (focus) and meditation (open monitoring) tend to go together, but they are different. The most common theme that goes through most types of meditation and mindfulness is that you’re not supposed to be thinking about yourself. Meditation is about your state of consciousness, not about how you’re sitting or what you’re doing, and because we’re all different, the way someone meditates may not fit for you. Instead of trusting what somebody else says and thinking that the answer, listen to yourself, try different things, and see how it feels. If it helps you get into the right state of consciousness, keep it; if it doesn’t, throw it out. We all start from somewhere; pick something, try it, reflect on it, keep your expectations low, and develop it over time. Consistency is more important than trying to squeeze in more time.   About the Podcast Guest Dr. Jeff Tarrant is a licensed psychologist and board certified in neurofeedback. He directs the NeuroMeditation Institute. Jeff authored the book "Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain." You can learn more about Dr. Tarrant's work by using the following links:   website: www.neuromeditationinstitute.com book: Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain Youtube: NeuroMeditation Institute Facebook: NeuroMeditation  

About the Podcast and Its Host

The Neurocareers podcast is brought to you by The Institute of Neuroapproaches and its founder - Milena Korostenskaja, Ph.D. (Dr. K) - a neuroscience educator, neuroscience research consultant, and career coach for students and recent graduates in neuroscience and neurotechnologies: https://www.neuroapproaches.org/

You will benefit from neuroscience-based coaching if you want to...

Get your projects DONE instead of procrastinating and feeling stuck. STOP feeling anxious, stressed, and overwhelmed when managing your time and responsibilities. ACHIEVE your goals and BUILD a successful career instead of failing.

Get in touch with Dr. K. by sending an email: [email protected]

Schedule a free consultation session with Dr. K. by following this link: https://neuroapproaches.as.me/