About Jessica: 

Lets go on a journey together

When was the last time you let yourself dream about all the things you

wanted your life to look like when you were a little girl?

Imagine yourself living that dream life now

Close your eyes and imagine yourself in that dream life in your mind now

see what you see

hear what you hear

feel what you feel

really breath that feeling in and let it wander around our whole bodyNow open your eyes and stay with that feeling

what if…..you could keep that feeling

what if …….you just needed some help to see the small steps that can get you there

what if….????

the answer to “what if” is endless

let's dream together

I am Jessica Coulthard and I began my journey of “what ifs”

about 4 years ago when I started to realize that I was NOT living the life I had planned on.

I dug into discovering what was missing and how to get it!

And wow did I find some amazing tools, resources and people!!

My life is so much fuller, I have amazing people and I have fun everyday!

Now I focus on helping other people to find the life they want

Contact me today at [email protected]

set up a time to schedule your one-hour

Java with Jess session

Of all the things successful people do to accelerate their trip down the path to success, participating in some kind of coaching program is at the top of the list. – Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

I look forward to working with you.

Jessica xo

Check her out here: http://justagirllikeme.com/