I am a wealth-mindset & business expert. Multi-passionate entrepreneur & network marketer, public speaker, writer and the host of The Boldly Courageous podcast.
After 15 years of experience working in the financial service industry i found myself unemployed and in over $100k of debt. Feeling as though i had hit rock bottom and contemplating bankruptcy, i made the decision to dive into personal development work.
I hired coaches. Took courses & attended several leadership seminars to finally connect to the truth of who I am. A person who's value is more than just her net worth.
All of those experiences have paved the way to where i am currently. Running multiple businesses and living a life filled with purpose. I thrive on helping women transform. Teaching them how to birth a new money mindset & discover their self worth.
Melissa Martin is a business strategist + certified money mindset coach specializing in helping women to up-level in their business and break through money mindset blocks resulting in a deep connection to their business + bank accounts.

Her passion is diving deep into your world and identifying the pain points blocking you personally and professionally from living a life of harmony and success.

Combining her background in wellness coaching as well as 15+ years of sales experience in the Financial Service Industry with business strategy and spiritual practices, Melissa’s coaching approach is truly a one of a kind experience covering all bases:
Body + Soul, Business + Bank Account.

Through her 1:1 private coaching she will dive deep into your world and identify the pain points blocking you personally and professionally from living a life of harmony and success.

She covers everything from business strategies + mindset reprogramming to overcoming money mindset blocks and creating wellness habits that will support and sustain long-term business growth.

You can expect to up-level your communication, get clear on your own desires, learn how to set boundaries that honor your needs, create systems to grow and scale your business, learn how to attract + speak to your ideal client, monetize your brand, create more space in your life, find a rhythm that fits your lifestyle, develop deeper relationships and make more money.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/themelissamartin/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/boldly-courageous/id1510427210
Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/boldlycourageous/
Discovery Call: https://themelissamartin.as.me/Discover