In a world before exam grade U-turns, shifting travel restrictions and evolving hot/cold pathways, the concerns of most staff working within the ED were much more 'precedented.' For the majority of us, these concerns could essentially be reduced to:

Keeping patients safe
Keeping the department happy
Keeping your own sanity

Bonus points for keeping your own pen

However it always seems to be at exactly 2am, when there is a 3 hour wait to be seen, a full resus, someone belting out 'Hero' by Mariah Carey on repeat (with the occasional duet from the intoxicated patient next door) and an actively suicidal patient trying to abscond, that these three most basic of aims are at greatest threat. Its here that I often begin to re-evaluate my career & life choices.

This month, NETRAG+ discusses two major challenges in this all-too-familiar scenario: the impact of night shifts on healthcare workers, and the disruption that can sometimes arise when caring for patients with personality disorders. Whilst these are recognised and necessary features of our working lives in ED, this by no means renders us impervious or more innately resilient to them than our colleagues in other disciplines. We hope that this episode not only starts a conversation about such challenges, but also provides some practical pearls on how to better identify and navigate them, beyond a 2am yearning for emollient prescriptions, for the wellbeing of our patients, our teams and ourselves.

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