I'm so happy Dan lets me name the episodes. This week, we have some big news, hit on a bunch of things watched, and tackle our main topic: Marvel's Iron Fist. Despite a few issues, this show far exceeded our expectations based on the early reviews. It holds up.


This week's promos:


The More Gooder Than podcast came to be during monthly gaming sessions between the three hosts and their friends. Each of them would try to make the others laugh and, most of the time, they succeeded. One of those times, Cory said to Chris and Donnie, "I wish I recorded some of the stuff we say" and the idea for MGT was born. More Gooder Than is a bi-weekly podcast in which we rate and dissect pop culture, one argument at a time. Chris, Donnie, and Cory will each take a stance on a movie, actor, character, episode or whatever else we feel like defending and try to determine whose side is the Most Goodest. After the hilarity concludes, hopefully we'll have both entertained and educated you; at least, educated you on our opinions. You'll be able to listen to each episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, this website, and Soundcloud every Wednesdays. Stay Gooder, Home Trees!


Now That I'm Older podcast: Now That I’m Older explores the fact that getting old sucks and can be awesome all at the same time. Kenny and Shane also poke fun at the world around us, tell some badass stories and occasionally review some movies. Check out their podcast at nowthatimolder.com


Intro Music: The Get Down main theme

Outro Music: "Dirtbag" by Brad Sucks

Hear more of Brad Sucks's music at bradsucks.net

Transition clips: Netflix's "Bojack Horseman", Channel101's "Cautionary Tales of Swords"

You can follow the Podcast's social media: @netflixnswill on Twitter 

https://www.facebook.com/netflixnswill/ for Facebook

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/netflix-n-swill/id1142744188?mt=2

Google Play: https://play.google.com/music/listen?t=Netflix_n_Swill&u=0&view=/ps/Imebq2o4zfojsyiqx5en4og2ymu

Stitcher: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/netflix-n-swill/netflix-n-swil

You can follow Dan on twitter at @danofaction

You can follow Caleb on twitter at @C_leb2021