Welcome to Netflix 'N Swill, your source for Netflix news, reviews, and booze.

This week, patron of the show, Epic Film Guy Nick, wanted us to watch The Host, a movie adapted from a Stephanie Meyer novel. So we did, and it was so bad that we invited him on to review it and so we could make fun of him. Before that though, we talk about Claire Foy having a dumb agent, Caleb wanting to watch a terrible looking movie that happens to have Neil Young in it, and Dan reviews the new scary hotness Veronica.

Let us know if you like Stephanie Meyer's stupid fucking writing by contacting us on social media: Facebook and Twitter, or by email: [email protected].

Please also check out our website, netflixnswill.com for the latest in Netflix news.

Check out Nick's shows, Epic Film Guys and RestauRant Podcast, at epicfilmguys.com and https://restaurantpod.podbean.com/.

Both of our shows are part of The PodFix Network. Find more great shows like ours at www.podfixnetwork.com. Please also check out PodFix Presents, the podcast where PodFix Network shows meet minds and talk about things they normally don't get into on their regular shows. Currently being featured is A Certain Point of View, a podcast about the finer details of Star Wars. For a link to the show, just add https://podfix.podbean.com/ to your podcatcher of choice.

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