What is the best source for Opportunity Zone info?  What the heck is an Opportunity Zone? Why invest in an OZone?  What....defer and reduce capital gains tax? Impact Investing? Opportunity Zones Podcast?

Find out.... a conversation with Jimmy Atkinson founder of OpportunityDB.

OpportunityDb (The Opportunity Zones Database) provides world-class tools, education, and analysis to help individual investors, family offices, real estate developers, and industry service providers navigate the ins and outs of the Opportunity Zone program — empowering them to help create positive social impact in under-invested areas of our country.

Jimmy founded OpportunityDb in August 2018. He is passionate about impact investing and tax-advantaged investment opportunities. At the crossroads of these two ideals is the Opportunity Zones program, a place-based tax policy intended to economically transform some of the poorest areas of the United States with new real estate and business development.

Hence the OpportunityDB.com!