Final presentation of the 21 day Climate Sprint focused on Mobilizing More High Quality Climate Finance!

Full video presentation:

For more info or to submit your climate project go to

“Digestible” Climate Finance, How can we best value long-term co-benefits and ecosystem services when mobilizing climate finance? / Team (TMO & Natalie)
Opportunity Gaps: The value of Ecosystem Services and co-benefits aren’t being effectively communicated (Cassie)
Stakeholder Interviews: Climate Investors & Project Developers (TMO)
From “Co” to Core Benefits: An individual project could have several equally valuable benefits (Tommy)
Capturing Complexity: Any individual project has multiple benefits (Tommy)
Measurable Impact: What is measurable? What is most important? (TMO)
The Core Benefits Label: helps Climate Investors identify robust climate projects that appropriately value core benefits alongside carbon (Neel)
Example 1: Himalayan Reforestation (Neel)
Example 2: Savannah Afforestation (Tommy)
Side By Side: Using Core Benefits Label to compare projects (Shannon, Neel, Tommy)
Example 3: Urban Resilience Investment - Two Use Case:s Create your own project or Make your project more valuable (TMO)
What Comes Next - Changing the Game (Natalie & Neel)
Core Benefits Label: Adaptive, Dynamic, Informative, and Accessible (Neel) For more info or to submit your climate project go to

For more info or to submit your climate project go to

Creative Commons Attribution license


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