On this week's show, Brendan, Spindles and Ady chew over the thorny issue that is this year's Hugo nominations. For those of you that are unaware of the controversy around this year's awards, we give a brief run down of what has transpired and mull over what can be done about it in both the short and long term.

We also report back on this year's Eastercon, highlight some current kickstarter campaigns in Crowdfunder Corner and chat over what we are looking forward to in the coming weeks.

Congratulations to Oxgoth on his winning entry to our Warcraft competition, your prize is winging it's way to you as we speak. Our next show will bear the winning title of Invasion of the Nerd Snatchers. 

For more details on the Night Terrace kickstarter check out https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/labcoatman/night-terrace-season-two

And for some shameless self promotion you can pick up an ebook copy of Killer Bees from Outer Space from Amazon featuring Spindles' story, Return to the Kingdom of the Shadow People here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Killer-Bees-Outer-Space-Walters-ebook/dp/B00VH6…

As always you can find us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nerdvworld

Or follow us on twitter:

Brendan: http://www.twitter.com/NerdVsWorld

Ady: http://www.twitter.com/kaosady

Spindles: http://www.twitter.com/spindlyone

Until next time, Take care and be excellent to each other.

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