This is a spoiler-filled episode primarily about Solo: A Star Wars Story. Anastasia from Episode #60 rejoins us and along with our friend Steven Cooley as we delve into what we thought about Solo and what others are saying. And what episode of The NerdBliss Podcast would be complete without talking about pansexuality and Darth Maul? Boba Fett? Who needs him??


What is Clockwork Orange? Introductions and Treklanta 2018. Save the date, July 28, 2018! Call us! (864) 715-9446 Spoiling the fuck out of Solo: A Star Wars Story. What is a pansexual and is Lando one of them? Our honest and spoilery thoughts on Solo. How Dan and Steven met. The Solo end-of-movie reveal. Darth Maul: The one thing the prequels did right (and they 'killed' him). A review of how the PG-13 rating came to be. Do we really want/need a Boba Fett movie? The Star Wars Holiday Special