How do you feel about Joss Whedon stepping down from directing Batgirl? Or about Fergie's interpretation of the national anthem? In this time when McDonald's now has enough Szechuan sauce for all of us, can we really afford to not watch Star Wars: Rebels? Oprah is wrinklin' that time. Oh...and Black Panther.


Joss Whedon has left the Batgirl movie project. Fergie's national anthem fallout. Black Panther - Political and spoilery content Alien leads in Star Wars and other movies. More Black Panther. Shred-pool and starfish. Captain Power The return of McDonalds Szechuan Sauce...too little, too late. After looking down at others for what they were willing to do to get the Szechuan sauce, we detail the lengths that WE would go to to get the sauce ourselves. Star Wars: Rebels Ewok refugees takin' our jobs! Star Wars Special Edition music. "Assless" Chaps and "So Fine" Jeans. Even MORE Black Panther. A Wrinkle In Time and the subsequent books.