In this episode, we welcome our good friend and local musician Heath Lane. Heath plays in multiple bands and occasionally fills in as other bands need him. He also teaches guitar when time allows. Heath, like our good friend Dan who is back with us in this episode, is an avid Star Wars toy collector and all-around great human being. Below are links to Heath's pages on ReverbNation and Facebook. There's also a lot of coughing in this episode, mostly from Alex. Sorry about that.

Heath Lane on ReverbNation.

Heath Lane on Facebook.


Introductions. Star Wars Toy Collecting. Heath's Music. Learning to play guitar and singing. Being naked to The Andy Griffith Show theme. The round of questions for Heath. Dan's take on Ronald Reagan Who's your favorite Doctor? Progressive Rock, Axl Rose, AC/DC, and The Spaghetti Incident? Another visit to Chris' messed up playlist.