Topic: Falcon & The Winter Soldier Tutorial



We begin our Discussion on the Newest Marvel Show, Falcon & The Winter Soldier, which is our newest Marvel series.  Does it live up to Wanda Vision, check out next episode to find out.



Who is The Falcon?


Comic History

First introduced in 1969, Samuel Wilson was rescued by Steve Rogers, Captain America, from a Caribbean island where the Red Skull had planned on experimenting on Sam.  After fighting the Red Skull, Sam would go on to continue working with Captain America.  It was during this first outing that he was given the power to telepathically communicate with Birds, especially a falcon her name Redwing, but the Red Skull and a Cosmic Cube.  It wasn’t until 5 years later that he was given a pair of wings by Black Panther that allowed him to fly.


Falcon remained a loyal partner to Steve Roger, even helping train his replacements during time in which Steve stepped down as Captain America.  During this time, Falcon learned to command other birds beyond Redwing, and became capable of command multiple types of birds.  Falcon was also of the people to Steve Roger’s Secret Avengers, opposing the Super-Human Registration Act, the main catalyst of the Civil War in the comics. 


A major turning point in the character came in 2014, when Steve Roger has his Super Soldier serum neutralized, causing him to rapidly age to the age of 90.  Without the power of the serum, same passed on the shield and mantle of Captain America to the Falcon.  Falcon would go on to act as Captain America, utilizing the wings of Falcon and the Shield of Captain America.  His numerous adventures led to a new Avengers team, along with for a time, leaving SHIELD due to their work on a New Cosmic Cube. 


SHIELD would eventually make their new Comic Cube, which took on the vestige of a young girl named Kobik.  During these eventually the original Captain America was dying, but Kobik revitalized Steve Rogers, allowing him to retake the title of Captain America.  This version of Steve Rogers however was a fascist version that was actually a sleeper agent for Hydra.  While Falcon’s faith in American Government had wavered, he return the title of Captain America to Steve Rogers(Fascist), and departed the country to help elsewhere. 


Upon Falcon’s return, he learned that Steve Rogers(F) had taken up the mantle as the leader of Hydra.  Falcon returned to being Captain America once again, and assisted the Avengers in rebuilding the Cosmic Cube to help Kobik, who actually had the real Steve Rogers inside her.  Completing the Cube, freed Steve Rogers, and allowed him to beat the Steve Rogers(F).  Understanding that Steve Rogers could do more benefit as Captain American than he could, he returned the Mantle of Steve Roger, and returned to being just the Falcon.  Falcon, then working for a Veteran’s Assistance group came across Bucky Barnes, and aided him in helping find soldiers that had gone missing.




Avian Telepathy – Ability to communicate and commands birds.

Master Martial Artist – After having trained with Steve Rogers, Falcon became a proficient fighter in various fighting styles and forms.

Peak Human Condition – Including peak strength and endurance.

Master Aerialist – As a flying hero, he is an amazing fighter in the air, some would say better than Ironman or Captain Marvel.

Falcon Wings – A Set of Wakandan created Wings that give Falcon the power of flight.

Captain America Shield + Uniform – Former



MCU Version

The MCU version of Falcon Finds him as a former Rescue Paratrooper, who upon returning home find himself working the VA until he volunteers to help Steve Rogers during the events of Winter Soldier Movie.  He continues as an Avenger post Age of Ultron, and is the first to be on Steve Rogers side during the events of Civil War.  He is snapped out of existence at the end of Infinity War, only to return at end of Endgame.




Who is The Winter Soldier?


Comic History

First introduced in 1940 as the young sidekick of Steve Rogers as Captain America, the James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes was the Teenage hero working alongside Steve Rogers during World War II.  Toward the end of the war in 1945, Captain America and Bucky were on the hunt for a bad guy, then the plane they were on was plummeting in to the Atlantic Ocean.  Both men attempted to escape, but Bucky’s costume was snagged on the plan upon exiting, causing the plan to crash in to the ocean and for him to be presumed dead.  Captain America attempted to save his companion, but was sent into suspended animation, being frozen in the waters of the Atlantic.


In 1946, the Soviets were attempting to find Captain America, instead found Bucky, who had survived the crash, but who had lost his left arm and put in to a similar suspended animation like this mentor.  Though at the peak of human conditioning due to working and training alongside Captain America, Bucky survived and was reprogrammed by the Soviets to become their personal Assassin, the Winter Soldier. 


As the Winter Soldier, he carried out the bulk of secret, and famous, Assassinations across the world for many years.  His left arm replaced with a new cybernetic arm when ever advancements in technology would allow.  He would at one point become the teacher and trainer for a young Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow, while she training.  They two developed a romantic relationship, but after a failed assassination mission, Bucky was deemed too unstable, and his mind was wiped after each mission, and placed in Suspended Animation until a mission was needed.


During an event in 2004, where the Winter Soldier was activated to steal the Red Skull’s new Cosmic Cube, he met and fought with Captain America, who later learned that the Winter Soldier had been his best friend this entire time.  Using the power of the newly created Cosmic Cube, Captain America restored Bucky’s memories, but the sudden rush of emotions and remorse over the life he had led caused Bucky to destroy the newly created Cosmic Cube, transporting him elsewhere in the process. 


For the next few years, Bucky began hunting his captors, eliminating them and becoming a SHIELD secret agent for Nick Fury.  Following the Events of Civil War, Bucky blamed Tony Stark and Red Skull for killing Steve Rogers.  Bucky would eventually confront both men, but lost to the Red Skull.  And when confronting Tony Stark, Stark passed along Steve Roger’s final wish for Bucky, that he save Bucky from his decent to violence and madness.  Tony Stark believing the best way to do this, was for Bucky to become the New Captain America. Bucky accepted, but wanted the mental implants removed, and that he answered to no one, not SHIELD or Tony Stark.


For the next few years, Bucky acted as Captain America, eventually winning over the Avengers and the US Government, on his way to reforming his life; he even rekindled his romance with Black Widow.  Even when Steve Rogers was revived and was capable of taking back the mantle of Captain America, he continued to let Bucky carry on the title, believing that he was the better individual to carry on that legacy, and that the world didn’t need Two Captain Americas. 


During the Fear Itself event, a villain powered by a similar Hammer to Thor’s beat Bucky to within an inch of his life during an attack on Washington DC, saved by a Nick Fury and his ‘Infinity Formula’.  Steve Rogers took back up the mantle of Captain America after his friend seemingly thought dead, with Bucky believing it was better that he return to his Winter Soldier title instead.  Winter Soldier would continue to work behind the scene of super heroics, though seemingly out of the picture for a majority of the major events. 


Bucky was a part of the team that went in to a Villains prison, in order to rescue the newly created Cosmic Cube, Kobik, and was seemingly there when Steve Rogers (F), was revived.  Years later, upon learning that the revived Steve Rogers was actually a Fascist version, he worked along side the Avengers to find the real Steve Rogers.  After helping complete the cube, he shrunk down in size with Ant Man and rescued the real Steve Rogers from the cube.




Master Martial Artist – After having trained with Steve Rogers, Falcon became a proficient fighter in various fighting styles and forms.

Peak Human Condition – Including peak strength and endurance.

Infinity Formula – a diluted version of the Elixir of Life, it slows down the aging process and seemingly give the user peak physical conditions.  However, unlike Steve Roger’s Super Soldier Serum, this Formula must be taken regularly once a year in order to stay in peak condition.  Prior to receiving it, Bucky had already been at Peak Human Condition, which only added to his skills.

Cybernetic Arm – Replacing his missing left arm that was lost during World War II, his arm is improved with new technology over the years.



MCU Version

The MCU Version follows very similar to Comics, aging up Bucky to be a similar age to Steve Rogers during World War II.  Bucky, unlike his Comics version, did receive an experimental version of the Super Soldier Serum, turning him into a Super Soldier in the process, though seemingly not to the point that it was noticeable by others.  Rather than being lost in the Ocean similar to Steve Rogers, he was instead lost over a ravine, only to be rescued by Hydra and turned in to the Winter Soldier.  Following the event of the Winter Soldier, Bucky left Hydra and began seeking out who he was, only to be blamed for an attack on Wakanda leader, King T'Chaka.  During the events of Civil War, Steve Roger protected Bucky, as he realized Bucky wasn’t the enemy, only doing the bidding of programming by Hydra agents.  Bucky lost his initial cybernetic arm, but was rescued by Steve Rogers, who escaped to Wakanda with the help of the Black Panther.  While in Wakanda, he was deprogrammed and the mental implants were removed.  During the events of Infinity War, he aided Steve Rogers and other heroes in protecting Vision while the Mind Stone was being removed, receiving a new Vibranium Arm to replace his lost cybernetic arm.  He was snapped Away by Thanos, just like the Falcon, but returned during the Events of Endgame.



Cosmic Cube

Cosmic Cubes are cube objects that allow for reality manipulation, control over matter and energy, and basically answers to the sentient being owning them, often being considered omni-wish granting devices.  Their creation is generally a well guarded secret and very difficult, but by opening up a portal to a universe inhabited by ‘Beyonders’, you can suck out some of the energy in that universe and contain it in a cube. 


The Cosmic Cube typically get created and wielded by individuals without any spectacular super powers, like the Red Skull.  They’re a common source of conflict within Captain America stories, as they’re the common focus and creation by those seeking more power.  While on a similar level to Infinity Stones, they’re not nearly as powerful and omnipotent, as they can’t effect time or the soul. 


In the MCU, the Tesseract was considered a Cosmic Cube, before it was determined that it was the Space Stone in hiding. 



Where are we at in the Marvel Timeline?

Prior to the Events of Endgame, half of all life in the universe was snapped away, both Sam and Bucky included.  While Endgame only shows a tiny bit of the life returning to normal, Bucky went on to work with the US Government as a deep cover agent, working to root out Hydra agents, and trying to make amends for the damage he did.  Falcon continued working alongside the Military, continuing his work as an Avenger. 


As a part of re-intergrating those lost by the Snap, and returned during the Blip, the Global Repatriation Council was created to aid those returning from the Blip.  As a part of their work, they reinstated country boundaries and aimed to return those snapped away back to their old lives.  However, any refugees from other countries ended up buying or moving in to new homes and places left behind by those who were Snapped away, and upon the return of original owners, many of those refugees were forcibly removed by the owner or local governments from their new homes, and placed into resettlement camps.  Many in these camps resent the GRC, as they are poor infrastructure and lack of supplies necessary for those that were displaced.  As of recent the GRC, in an effort to return to the world of 5 years prior to the snap, has begun implementing deportation for refugees to their original countries of origin, which has only increased anger and tensions of the Refugees.