It's episode 58 and we had prop builder, Odin Abbot, from Odin Makes, Awe Me's DIY Prop Shop, and Beyond Geek to talk about his latest props he's built and what's new in his world. We've had Odin on quite a few times and we always have fun discussing nerdy stuff with him and this time we talked about the nerdy stuff he does for a living. As usual we had a fun tangent filled discussion.

Odin's Info

Odin Makes -
The Odin Makes Patreon -
DIY Prop Shop on the AWE me Channel -…KxqDWTL3DgrfoiRmr
The AWE me YouTube Channel -
Odin's Twitter - @Odinabbott

Shoutouts and Mentions

Thank you to Mike Myler for our new time consuming voting system for What's Nerdy with You?

Gishwhes -