It's episode 53 and we had issues. The original plan was to have Cursy Smurf Erica back and have all 4 us come up with a topic and randomly decide which one we were going to talk about but fate intervened and we not only lost Erica to the curse of technical difficulties, about halfway throught he episode, we lost Anthony as well.

That being said, Michael and I went with the plan and randomly generated the topic of the Pathfinder Roleplaying game. The two of us described the Pathfinder Roleplaying game and many of its licensed products then spent a good portion of the episode nerding out over our favorite parts of the game. Lots of fun was had by all regardless of how hard that recording was to make. Hope you enjoy the show.

Socal Games and Comics in Temecula California which carries the Pathfinder Comics and offers both Pathfinder and D&D demos and organized play at their store.