Sorry for the delay everyone. Episode 48 - Saturday Morning Cartoons is up and we had a blast! It was just Hindu Anthony and Super Vegan Brian this week as Special Mikey had a priority viewing of Pirates 5 to go to but it didn't stop us from having a fantastic time talking about our love and nostalgia for Saturday morning Cartoons as kids. We talked about too many titles to share here but it was a blast to reminisce about childhood and our continued love for animated fun.

Shout outs and Mentions

We got fabulous feedback this week from listeners. Alice H, Holly, Anika, Katelyn, Cynthia, and Kelly. Thank you all for your amazing feedback.

A BIG Shout out to Stephen Eastman who provided Super Vegan Brian with amazing Karaoke for the last 7 years.

The Pathfinder Kingmaker Kickstarter is live -

The Failure to Launch Podcast -

Gi Joe Youtube shorts -