Today's episode was AMAZING! Here's a list of everything we talked about:
Healthy Diets
Supernatural Episode 200 - Fan Fiction
Youtube Viral Songs
The Supernatural Live Watch for The Supernatural The Road so Far Facebook Group -
YouTube Viral Songs
Lootcrate Unboxing
Stuffed Bell Peppers
The Origin of the Jolly Green Giant
Superficial Veganism (Shout out to Alice AKA Nightvale Bunny)
Gluten Free Vegan Cream Sauce
How Anthony's Son Yodels
What would make us cheat on being vegetarian or vegan?
What all are we all watching right now? (Yes, I said it that way)
Why I will never play 5E D&D
The Starfinder Society Organized Play Facebook Group -
Chastising Hindu Anthony for saying Vin Diesel is too cool to play D&D
Snatch the series on is awesome! -
Card Games
Comics Explained (Marvel Explained) Youtube Channel -
We talked about Green Lantern Rebirth, Injustice, and Superior Spiderman
What we are not Reading
And this Viking Game Explained -