Episode 30 of Nerd Podcast Radio is up!
We were honored to be able to have a conversation with our special guest, Anna Meyer​.

Anna Meyer is a Fantasy Cartographer who works in Role Playing and Video Games. You may know her work from the Ennie nominated titles, Southlands Campaign Setting by Kobold Press​ and the Greyhawk Atlas. You can also see her maps in the upcoming Midgard campaign setting by Kobold press that there is currently a Kickstarter​ campaign for (link below).

We dug deep into all things about map making and how maps work in fantasy RPGs. We also got a chance to learn about the world of flight simulators and Anna's experience as a pilot. We all had a lot of fun talking with Anna and we hope you enjoy today's episode as well.

Anna Meyer's Info
Web Site - http://ghmaps.net/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/annacartography/
The Greyhawk Atlas - http://ghmaps.net/greyhawk-maps/atlas-of-the-flanaess/
The Midgard Kickstarter by Kobold Press - https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/350683997/midgard-campaign-setting-dark-roads-and-deep-magic