Cody, Samantha, and Sam return to ramble through some brief highlights (and lowlights) of recent conventions HorrorHound Weekend Columbus and Ohayocon, touch briefly on a possible Ghostbusters III/remake, discuss DC's 'New 52' and the Captain Marvel (Shazam) reboot for way too long, and wrap up with some Kinect Star Wars dancing and Mass Effect 3 ending fun. Join us for all this... and more!

Cody, Samantha, and Sam return to ramble through some brief highlights (and lowlights) of recent conventions HorrorHound Weekend Columbus and Ohayocon, touch briefly on a possible Ghostbusters III/remake, discuss DC's 'New 52' and the Captain Marvel (Shazam) reboot for way too long, and wrap up with some Kinect Star Wars dancing and Mass Effect 3 ending fun. Join us for all this... and more!

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