Today’s broadcast is C1E48 for Scene Sunday, October 13th, 2019. Today’s episode is a return visit to the wonderful sounds of the spectacular internet chiptune artist collective "Battle of the Bits". Each and every "chipist" to have appeared in spring 2017's "Battle of the Bits - vol 1" reappears here, and is joined by a legion of faces, names, and sounds which are all new to the program! 


Track# - Track Name – System Sound Hardware – Composer – BotB Event - Timestamp 


01 – Intro - 00:00:00 

02 – Electric Starbounce – C64 - Kulor – Winter Chip VI - 00:02:25 

03 – Evil Bug Judgment Squad – Wild Chip – Diagamblic – Summer Chip VI - 00:05:07 

04 – Ice Queen – C64 – Mibri – Winter Chip XIV - 00:08:03 

05 – Strawberry Jam – TG16 –Tristendo – Summer Chip VII - 00:11:45 

06 – Sunset Machine – Genesis – null1024 – Winter Chip VIII - 00:14:18 

07– Velvet Fog – Genesis – Warlord – Winter Chip VII - 00:15:29 

08 – Redrum Ave – Genesis – kfaraday – Summer Chip III - 00:16:49 

09 – Bliss – C64 – linde – Winter Chip III - 00:18:00 

10– Fuse Gymnast – NES+ - kandyfan – Summer Chip III - 00:19:17 

11 – Junebug – NES - gyrouh – Winter Chip X - 00:21:34 

12 – Mint Choco Mint – TQ-Jam – Winter Chip X - 00:25:14 

13 – The Singular Hilarity – NES – Mootbooxle – "they're not even privileges, it's an absurd workar" - 00:27:33 

14 – Well Beefington – AY-3-8910 – DoctorGentleman – Winter Chip X - 00:29:14 

15 – 7 Trillion GHz – Genesis – Strobe – Summer Chip III - 00:36:46 

16 – Circuit Angel 3 – Amiga – Strobe  – Winter Chip VIII - 00:40:01 

17 – A Mega Drive Down the Genesis Highway – Genesis – KungFuFurby – Summer Chip III - 00:42:35 

18 – SPC Lover – SNES – Mibri – Winter Chip XIV - 00:45:10 

19 – Coda-Cola Zone – Genesis – Jredd – Summer Chip VII - 00:46:34 

20 – RAD__ASS – AdLib - Baron Knoxburry – Summer Chip V - 00:48:25 

21 – Battle Rush – TG16 – Diagamblic – Spring Tracks V - 00:49:54 

22 - Radiant Overlord – SNES – Strobe – Summer Chip III - 00:52:00 

23 – Genesis Does What Nintendonk – Genesis - Zlew – Summer Chip V - 00:54:29 

24 – Hotline Milan – Amiga – Mibri – Winter Chip XIV - 00:56:11 

25 – VIC-Xinity – VIC20 – pigdevil2010 – Summer Chip VII - 00:57:43 

26 – Tech No No – Atari 2600 - Chip Champion – Winter Chip X - 01:00:54 

27 – Krungeon Creeper – Channel F - Irrlicht project – Winter Chip VI - 01:03:26 

28 – Tocsik Waiste – TG16 – SexyElf – Summer Chip III - 01:04:28 

29 – Internal Destroyer – TG16 – RatShack – Summer Chip V - 01:06:15 

30 – Spirit Dough – TG16 – Beard – Winter Chip X - 01:09:12 

31 – An Audience With the King – TG16 - Slimeball – Summer Chip II  - 01:11:05 

32 – Lost in a Forest – POKEY - FearofDark – Winter Chip VII - 01:11:19 

33 – I Came I Saw – SNES – KungFuFurby – Summer Chip VIII - 01:14:43 

34 – Music for 32 Partials – MT-32 – Sintel – Spring Tracks VII - 01:20:14 

35 – Facing Your Formidable Fate – MIDI – kgb525 – Spring Tracks VII - 01:25:18 

36 – Another Adventure: Part 1 – SNES – mega9man – Summer Chip V - 01:27:21 

37 - 森嫁語り (Mori Yome Katari) - NES+ - Melon – Summer Chip VII - 01:31:50 

38 – Masked Byte – TG16 - RazerBlue6 – Summer Chip VII - 01:36:23 

39 – Shower Fresh – Genesis – Diagamblic – Winter Chip XIII - 01:42:43 

40 – Outro - 01:46:10 


Music Block Runtime: 01:43:48, Total Episode Runtime: 01:56:20 


Our Intro and Outro Music is Funky Radio, from Jet Grind Radio on the Sega Dreamcast, composed by BB Rights. 


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Or, if you wish to connect with us directly, we have two groups of our own:  


Nerd Noise Radio - Easy Mode: for sharing tracks, video game news, or just general videogame fandom. 


Nerd Noise Radio - Expert Mode: for going deep into video game sound hardware, composer info, and/or music theory. 


Lastly, you can also follow us on Twitter at @NerdNoiseRadio


Thanks for listening! Join us again in November for C1E49 (Channel 1, Episode 49): "Mishmash Monday - vol. 8" - guest hosted, guest vetted, and guest curated by a special guest who is a very beloved member of the VGM podcast community - Delicious VGM on "Noise from the Hearts of Nerds"! And wherever you are - Fly the N! 



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