May the Fourth be with you, Listeners! I -ALMOST- reran C1E9 "May the Fourth be With You" instead, which was our Star Wars game music focus. But this one was so much more relevant to imminently incoming new episodes, so I went with it instead. At the bottom of the comments, I'll include a link to C1E9, you'll get an informal "twofer" here. :-)

Today’s rerun is C1E44, originally released TwoFer Tuesday, May 7th, 2019. Today’s Episode was TwoFer Tuesday - vol. 5.  Amended 02/06/22 to include an all call for tracks for our upcoming "Best of 2020 / 2021" feature. The track list below has been amended to include updated timestamps and track numbers that account for the addition of the 2022 add-on. 


Note: I apologize for the poor audio quality on my voice in the 2022 earcactcher. I didn't have access to the studio and "the good mic" at the time, so I just did the best I could with my built-in laptop mic. 


Track Number / Game (Composer) / Track Names (Composers) / Time Stamp 


01) Best of 2020 / 2021 Earcatcher: 00:00:00 

02) Intro - 00:01:34 

03) Daytona USA - Saturn - Takenobu Mitsuyoshi and/or David Leytze 

King of Speed - 00:03:43 
Sky High - 00:08:28 

04) WipEout - PS1 - Cold Storage 

Messij - 00:13:03 
Cardinal Dancer - 00:18:14 

05) Shadow Squadron - 32X - Teruhiko Nakagawa and/or Masaru Setsumaru 

Mission 5 - 00:23:30 
Mission 4 - 00:25:02 

06) Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf - Genesis - Tokuhiko Uwabo 

BGM 2 - 00:28:22 
Score – 00:29:56 

07) Streets of Rage 3 - Genesis - Motohiro Kawashima and Yuzo Koshiro 

Moon - 00:31:42 
The Poets 1 - 00:35:45 

08) DATAWING - iOS/Android 

ESPIRIT.wav - ESPRIT 空想 - 00:38:56 
Closeness - Eyeliner - 00:42:23 

09) Link: The Faces of Evil - CD-I - Tony Trippi 

Nortinka - 00:44:57 
Militron - 00:46:33 

10) Double Dragon 2 - PC Engine - Hiroyuki Togo 

Level 2 - 00:49:12 
Level 6 - 00:52:12 

11) Landstalker - Genesis - Motoaki Takenouchi 

Beneath the Mysterious Tree - 00:54:56 
Mysterious Island - 00:56:09 

12) Wizards and Warriors 3 - NES - David Wise 

The Wise Men - 00:58:39 
Knights Guild – 00:59:52 

13) Kabuki Quantum Fighter - NES - Masaki Hashimoto and/or Takahiro Wakuta 

Round 1 - 01:01:46 
Round 2 - 01:03:02 

14) Snafu - Intellivision - Russell Lieblich 

BGM 1 - 01:04:05 
BGM 2 - 01:04:27 

15) N++ - Multi 

Trivium - C Y G N - 01:05:07 
Shower Curtain - Planet Boelex - 01:08:50 

16)  GT Sport -PS4 - Lenny Ibizarre 

All About the Girl - 01:15:21 
What Can You Do? - 01:19:21 

17) Final Fantasy X - PS2 - Masashi Hamauzu, Junya Nakano, and/or Nobuo Uematsu 

Blazing Sands - 01:24:25 
Besaid Island - 01:27:23 

18) Final Fantasy XV - multi - Yoko Shimomura 

Noctis' Dream - 01:29:54 
Relax and Reflect - 01:33:12 

19) Wii News Channel - Wii - Kazumi Totaka 

Tip Cat - 01:36:16 
Slideshow (Night) - 01:39:10 

20) Outro - 01:42:38 


Music Block Runtime: 01:38:57, Original Total Episode Runtime: 01:49:26, 2022 Amended Total Episode Runtime: 01:50:59 


Link to to the eligible tracklist for our upcoming Listener-selected "Best of 2020 / 2021" Episode. Notes at the top of the file explain everything! :-) 


Link to C1E9 "May the Fourth be with You!":