Ed and Ron talk to comic book letterer Jason Levine about his Nerd GOAT: Howard The Duck! Do we mention duck boobs? What do you think.

Jason started his lettering career with MALIBU COMICS back in the Ultraverse days! He has since worked with legends like George Perez, Brian Bendis and Chris Claremont, and he dishes on all of them in this episode! If you're in Los Angeles, Jason also hosts a weekly HeroClix game on Saturdays at All Ways Gaming in Chatsworth. Follow him @levine_jason on Twitter!


“He turned in a prose piece basically talking about his issues with writing and how he was having writers’ block. That’s a whole issue of the comic.”

“Gerber was one of the first people to take on Marvel, or any of the comic companies, for creator rights.”

“It could be, comic book people are perverts?” “And they need to draw titties on everything they can draw titties on!”

“She said: It’s a film about a duck from outer space, it’s not supposed to be an existential experience.’ Which flies in the face of what Gerber wanted!”

“Howard’s main attack is running away.”

“The nicest artist I ever met was one I didn’t think would be nice: George Perez.”

See Ed MERCILESSLY DESTROY on Movie Fights, and catch him every Wednesday on the Screen Junkies Universe livestream!

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