Pixar's latest film, Coco has arrived in theaters and it is time for our podcast review of the film. There was a time when it seems as though every Pixar film was a monster hit, and a treasure of modern storytelling. The studio was unstoppable. Recently however, they have been in a bit of a slump. Inside out earned rave reviews and was an outstanding film, but The Good Dinosaur and Cars 3 fell well short of expectations both critically and financially.

  But now Coco is here...and it is fantastic. It's dazzling visuals, enchanting music and heartfelt story make it one of Pixar's finest films. It is a love letter to Mexican culture, showing respect and reverence while still having some fun with tradition without mocking it.   This film is everything we love about going to the movies. A rich environment with character we connect with and a story that with great aspiration.   Please enjoy our podcast review of Coco.  

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