Last week the Nerd Caster Crew gave you a preview of their initial thoughts of the Nintendo Switch and the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild before getting their hands on the console and game.  Now that they have acquired the coveted system and game they give their reviews and first impressions on how they [...]

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Last week the Nerd Caster Crew gave you a preview of their initial thoughts of the Nintendo Switch and the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild before getting their hands on the console and game.  Now that they have acquired the coveted system and game they give their reviews and first impressions on how they like or dislike what Nintendo has done.

The two talk about the setup of the console, the game play of BotW, the comparison to other Zelda games, how the Joy Cons feel, etc. If you are on the fence of getting a switch this episode may persuade you one way or another. If you are a Zelda fan, Nintendo fan boy, or are on the fence of getting a Nintendo Switch and/or trying the Breath of the Wild game then give this episode a listen to find out if this console is a good fit for you and if the price tag is worth it.

The two do go off a few tangents but ultimately end up back on track with the game and how it looks an awful lot like water color paintings or a studio ghibly movie. So if you are on your way to work, at the gym, or bored, give this episode a listen.

As always thank you to our fans and listeners of the show. Please follow the show on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for the most up to date news and thoughts of the Nerd Caster Crew.  Please subscribe to the show in iTunes, Google Play, and/or Stitcher and don’t forget to leave a five-star review. Check out the Events page to see where the Nerd Caster team will be.

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Resident Nerd Caster, Joe

Nintendo Wii/WiiU: LordQX4
Playstation Network: LordQX4
Twitter: @LordQX4

The Featured image is provided by The Nerd Caster Website

The post Nintendo Switch and BotW Review appeared first on Nerd Caster.

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