In this episode of "Kiss My Assets," CEO of Neighborhood Ventures is joined by Bart and Heather, they discuss various topics related to investing and real estate. They begin by analyzing a study conducted by an Australian research group that ranked Phoenix as the fourth most cost-effective city globally. They explore factors such as income tax rate, inflation rate, apartment costs, average income, utility costs, and grocery expenses, highlighting the overall affordability and desirability of living in Phoenix.


The hosts then delve into the current state of the US housing market and analyze the housing sales data for May. They discuss the recent increase in housing sales, which indicates growing demand and confidence among builders, despite higher interest rates. The hosts emphasize the importance of housing investments, particularly in the multifamily sector, given the increasing demand for rental properties in areas like Phoenix.


The episode concludes with a discussion about the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) concept, which encourages individuals to save aggressively and achieve early retirement. While the idea is valuable in promoting financial security, the hosts warn against becoming overly frugal and neglecting to enjoy life after reaching financial independence. They encourage finding a balance between saving for the future and savoring the present, making investments that align with individual goals, and exploring ways to experience happiness and fulfillment throughout the journey to financial independence.