Earlier this October, DrFinkelstein took a short drive over to the Ploot household for a day of gaming. This time, he brought the podcast microphone! Due to scheduling and technical hurdles Joe sits this episode out but inside you'll find a good 88-minutes of Nintendo talk from assorted Negative Worlders! On the show there's Paul (Ploot), Dave (BeardedNerd), Trish (TK_Thunder), Erika (EponaEatsCarrots), and of course Stephen (DrFinkelstein).

After announcing what they're drinking the crew goes 'round the room and discusses what games they've been playing lately. You'll hear discussion on games such as Kirby Triple Deluxe, Pokemon Go, Yokai Watch 2: Fleshy Souls, Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, Mario Bros., and Ice Climber. There's also broader discussion on different franchises like Pokemon and Professor Layton.

Since Dave didn't get to vote in any of the Super Smash Bros. Character Bracket, and since the Nintendo Switch hadn't been revealed yet, the gang discusses Super Smash Bros for Wii U in great length. Character comparisons, Character Roster theory, and a bit of history all wrapped into one package!

Negative World's site owner and operator, Zero provides the intro and outro. Music at the break is non-existent since there was no break. This was all live in the same basement-gamer-cave!

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