With E3 firmly in the past now those frequent knuckleheads, Joe (Ninsage) and Stephen (DrFinkelstein) are joined by Dave (BeardedNerd)!

The guys start by recalling what they've been up to. It's a unique mix of games this time with the newly released Mighty No. 9 and Shantae and the Pirate's Curse are discussed. Dave specifically mentions his play through of Star Fox Command and his experience with two versions of TMNT: Tournament Fighters. Joe's been attempting a Nuzlocke Challenge in his copy of Pokemon Blue and it's interesting to hear how that's going.

Afterwards we have a What Do You Fink segment inquiring about Splatoon and the NX before moving to the meat and potatoes of this episode. In the main topic the guys discuss Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto and his role with the company now. How is it affecting Nintendo? How were things back in the old days and how will things be going forward? Does the average gamer actually have the right to be tired of his efforts? This and more is found inside! Give it a listen!

Negative World's site owner and operator, Zero provides the intro and outro. The 'break' music is a featured track from Mighty No. 9.

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