The Negative World Podcast is back! We've taken an unintentional hiatus this summer as so much energy of mine is spent right now on advancing my off-line life. Joe and I hadn't much time to catch up either so we got our schedules aligned and recorded a new episode of the show! It's our shortest (main) show ever in fact at just over an hour long!

In this episode you'll find that Joe (Ninsage) and Stephen (DrFinkelstein) have a grab bag of topics to discuss.

To start things off they discuss Joe's recent endeavor into the world of pub trivia with other Negative Worlders. Then they discuss Video Game Vinyls for a moment. Thirdly Stephen brings up this new amiibo news regarding the Shovel Knight amiibo. After that it's a brief Now Playing segment (or more like Been Playing) where Joe has been focusing on Kirby and the Rainbow Curse primarily while Stephen is still up to his neck in ink with Splatoon. I hope we'll be able to get back to the usual podcast schedule and lengths soon enough but for now we might be seeing shorter episodes like this one. I'd also like to get the Negative World Euphonic back and running. If anyone wishes for that as well, let us know in the comments.

We finish the show with a mention of the late Satoru Iwata. I had intended to make this episode an Iwata-ganza but with everything going on I haven't been able to write a show that would do him justice. So we plan to do something in remembrance soon enough but not at this time. As I just saw his name roll in the credits of the last game I beat, he will always be remembered and he'll always be warming our hearts even when he is no longer with us.

There isn't any specific music in this episode but the show's theme music is, as always, from Negative World site owner and operator, Zero.

Full list of episodes