We apologize for the distinct tardiness of this episode. Various brand new technical difficulties made this episode tricky. In fact, until the eleventh hour we didn't think the La Mulana discussion would be able to be in. Alas though it was and hence the episode is named in honor. This episode finds Zero guesting and discussing some Mario and a unique Playstation game that looks more like it should be on a Nintendo console. NinSage describes his struggles through La Mulana and other games he's actually enjoying. Finally, DrFinkelstein briefly mentions some Nintendo games he's been playing only to go into a rant about the Zelda Oracle series he hopes to play. [Fun Fact, by now he's beaten Seasons and on to Ages].

Then they dive into yet another Nintendo Direct discussion. These NDs happen often eh? Zero finishes the podcast with discussion of his time at ACEN this year.

As per the norm, the theme music comes from Negative World's owner, Zero. The interlude music is from Pikmin.

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