Tonight on Necronomicast, it is my pleasure to welcome to the show Steve Higgins.   

Steve Higgins is an urban explorer with a specific interest in manmade and man-used underground spaces. He's also a digital content creator specialising in paranormal content and the founder of several popular websites. If it's weird and unusual, then Steve's probably writes about it, from famous historic hauntings, to top secret underground bases. Steve is also the founder of Higgypop, which is the largest paranormal website in the UK.

He’s written a fascinating new book "Hidden, Forbidden, and Off-Limits:  A Subterranean Journey To Britain's Dark and Forgotten Places" detailing his explorations of underground factories, former subterranean ammo stores. and nuclear hideouts.

We also take the time to discuss the latest trends and theories in the world of the paranormal.

Originally from the South West of England, Steve has spent a large chunk of his professional life to date working out of London, where he was lucky enough to be able to hone his creative, online and writing skills working with some of the biggest brands, companies and organisations in the world.

Higgypop Paranormal

Steve's books on Amazon