Erica McKenzie was slowly killing herself. It wasn’t that she wanted to die, but she never felt that she was enough. The problem became severe enough that after taking a narcotic diet pill (which is only supposed to be taken for a short time) for nine years, it finally killed her. That marked the beginning …

Erica McKenzie was slowly killing herself. It wasn’t that she wanted to die, but she never felt that she was enough. The problem became severe enough that after taking a narcotic diet pill (which is only supposed to be taken for a short time) for nine years, it finally killed her. That marked the beginning of McKenzie’s NDE, which changed her life forever.

We share the short version of her experience on the podcast, but I also found a longer video that goes into a bit more detail, for those interested in hearing more—which I recommend. Also, her book, Dying to Fit In, can be bought on Amazon.