When does the spirit enter the body? Is it at the moment of conception, or the moment of birth? The first response I have to give is, I don’t know. But are there experiences that shed some light on this subject? And the answer to that question is yes. Both Todd Burpo’s book, Heaven is …

When does the spirit enter the body? Is it at the moment of conception, or the moment of birth? The first response I have to give is, I don’t know. But are there experiences that shed some light on this subject? And the answer to that question is yes. Both Todd Burpo’s book, Heaven is For Real, and Roy Mills’ book, The Soul’s Remembrance, provide insights on this topic that I find absolutely fascinating.

Also mentioned in this podcast is Betty J. Eadie’s podcast, Embracing Life, which, while not actively producing new episodes, I highly recommend listening to the episodes she has released.