Martin Wentzel was riding his bike in Sweden when a car hit him head-on. He was dead for 8 minutes. His account is so fascinating you absolutely must read it along with his extra comments on the NDERF website. And you will want to listen to this episode multiple times because there is so much …

Martin Wentzel was riding his bike in Sweden when a car hit him head-on. He was dead for 8 minutes. His account is so fascinating you absolutely must read it along with his extra comments on the NDERF website. And you will want to listen to this episode multiple times because there is so much to ruminate on. Chas reads from the NDERF website. But please read the entire account there for yourself. And check out Martin’s website. Links below.

Read Martin Wentzel’s complete NDE account on the NDERF website.

Martin’s website is in Swedish but you can use Chrome browser to translate it into your preferred language. I have included a link to an English translation below.

Martin Wentzel’s website.

Evigtidens ljus” – “The light of eternity” by Martin Wentzel